I have come to acknowledge and accept that every aspect of my journey of authentic self expression has demanded a certain level of flow in order for me to feel powerful and comfortable with what is coming from me.
I have no formal training as an artist, and since 2013 I’ve had great difficulty in finding the proper time and space within my personal life to be able to sit down and intentionally create art with my hands. But In these open and free moments, I simply allow myself to surrender to the music playing from my earbuds, and then whatever emotional wave is crashing through my heART at that time is what seems to flood my fingers with animation, and overflows out onto the page in front of me. Anytime I have allowed my mental perceptions of what is coming through me to supersede what is wanting to be organically expressed, I’ve noticed that my creative flow shuts down and I am blocked. At various intervals of time throughout this journey, theses blocks have taken months and sometimes years to subside and open up again.
Recently, there’s been a lot of healing taking place in my personal life, and with this new level of surrender I’ve had an easier time with my abstract self expressions. Art has taught me to accept myself over and over again with greater authenticity, and trust in my own highest intelligence and capacities. Even though these sketches come through my hand, a large part of me doesn’t feel as though I can take credit for their production. I honestly feel like “I” was removed from the process, and something greater than myself moved through me. I simply surrender to the flow of whatever that (e)motion is.