Since the Solar Eclipse on April 8th, one of the biggest things I have been noticing, and really allowing to sink in, is just how much our own mind set dictates our personal realities. And I know it sounds cliche, right?! Not only have we all been hearing about this for years, but I've also been one of the biggest voices preaching about it. But ever since this recent set of eclipses, I have had numerous scenarios directly in my face showing me the direct correlation of my thoughts versus reality.
I noticed, that in my YouTube videos in the weeks leading up to the Solar Eclipse, as well as in some private conversations I had with my friends during the same timeframe, I was naturally making a lot of predictions on what we might be experiencing collectively as well as personally. And although there were a good bit of things that I said that did come true... there were also some things that did not! And the things that I noticed that didn't come true were mostly the predictions that had a fear based underlining.
Since this past fall, I noticed that my anxiety had been ramped up due to all the collective tensions around global war, the status of the economy, and any other weird shit happening that has had people generally up in arms. And although I am mostly a home body who tries to stay in and away from all those crazy vibes, as a sensitive empath, and especially as a mother, I realized just how much it was still bringing me down. And as I've reflected recently on any predictions I made that didn't come true around the Eclipses, I am so glad that my fears did not play out in ways that I was fearful they would - cuz some of that shit would have been really unpleasant for us to all go through.
I also noticed that the anxieties I had around the Solar Eclipse seemed to naturally alleviate the closer and closer we got to the actual date. For weeks leading up to 4/8 I was processing all sorts of scenarios in my head that were not serving me in any way towards personal peace. But something weird started transpiring during the last week as we approached the event, and I noticed that my usual fears were all melting away without any one thing for me to pin it on as to why. And so as that pre-eclipse weekend arrived, I found myself in an elevated state of mind, as well as in the direct path of totality - a space in which I had feared to enter into just days and weeks prior to that. And our eclipse totality was an elevated experience, surrounded by a lot of beautiful people all tuned in to the same thing with awe and wonder.
The most interesting piece to all of this, though, is that ever since that day of the Solar eclipse, I have had a successive amount of continued opportunities of mental exorcisms. I have seen my fears come and go, without manifesting into reality, and I am noticing my personal circumstances continuing to shift into more positive experiences as well.
So, as a person that has a history of mental health challenges including depression and obviously anxieties, I am so grateful for these opportunities to see and recognize where my fears have been ungrounded and unfounded. And it is giving me further hope in a future full of positive possibilities rather than being bogged down so much with my own mental chatter.
"In a dark time, the eye begins to see."